Sunday, 6 August 2017

Press Release - ERMEA 17

The organizers of the Eastern Region Media Excellence Awards 2017 wishes to express our heartfelt gratitude to the entire public for making ERMEA a huge success.

The Maiden Edition which was set out to Reward Quality Radio Broadcasting in the Eastern Region was, as agreed-on at the launching, a 100% Vote Driven.

We want to take this medium to also appreciate the contribution from the various media houses and the nominees for pushing the Eastern Agenda. We want to make special mentions to, , and for blogging and promoting  the ERMEA brand as well as KFM TV, emTV, Adom TV, amongst the others who were present.

Special thanks to all our Special Guests and the various individuals who with good intentions came to support the ERMEA. To our Proud Sponsor EarnestOintment and all key partners, we are really appreciative for your commitment.

As with human institution, lots of misconception abounds. However the Board and Organizers of ERMEA 2017 are amidst all the proud to project the East.

Congratulations to the winners and better times ahead to those who didn't. The biggest of all goes to our God Jehovah for bringing us this far.


Quarshie Tetteh Joshua

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