Wednesday 4 October 2017

I Can Have Sex Everyday – Actress Confesses

Aside the acting business actress cum businesswoman Tracey Boakye loves, she also has strong passion for sex.

The mother of one says she has good stamina when it comes to bed matters so she can have sex each day. The ‘Devil between My Legs’ actress on Celebrity Ride With Zionfelix revealed that she mostly have issues with her fiancé over sex matters because he is mostly not around for them to engage in the act.

“I’m a human being so if I am in a relationship with the one I love, why not? My fiancé does not have time for it so I’m mostly angry at him. Even though he is mostly busy, I do not go around doing it with others.”

She further told Zionfelix, host of the show that “I can do it always if he is available but since he is not, I manage it”. When asked if she can do it each day, the CEO of Shakira Movie Production replied, “why not? I’ll take it everyday because if I need anything from him, he does it and that is also my only way of thanking him”.

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