Sunday, 31 December 2017


The Emmanuel English Assembly of The Church of Pentecost; Abee District in the Cape Coast Area has held a night of spontaneous worship and praises.
This year’s Edition which took place at the Central Chapel located at Abee near the Ankaful prison’s quarters was held on Friday 29th December, 2017. The programme was organized under the theme: “W.H.I.T.E (Worship, Holiness, Inspiration, Truth, Evangelism featured budding gospel artistes Nhyiraba Alfred, Ama Hudson, Ben Dzantor, Martha Adika, Mintah and six (6) music groups.

In a welcome note, Elder Patrick Adzah (Presiding Elder, Emmanuel English Assembly) and an officer in charge of the Ankaful prisons main camp, said he was excited to see a large crowd of devoted worshippers from the Ankaful-Elmina Municipality anxious to worship their Maker. The entire chapel was filled with large attendance and many more joined in from the diaspora.
The District Pastor and chairman of the programme, Rev.Joseph Awotwe in a word of exhortation cemented the position of humanity as worshippers, and that our worship can be fully accepted by our Lord when we are holy. He reminded Christians as ambassadors of Christ and that our lives should inspire others even as we evangelize with the word of truth.
 Amidst electrical power outage, Nhyiraba Alfred sterling ministered songs of praise and worship for an hour and forty-eight minutes without musical instrument and he kept the same momentum with departure praises jam session.

The congregation was blessed with a joint ministration from all the invited artistes ministering theme songs; Monnto Yehowa Akwan ho dwom (Apostolic hymnal 191), Christiana Attafuah ft.Bra Kwaku’s  Nyansafo, as guest ministers led members to the throne room of God. There was a great move of God as Over 278 people remarkably joined in worship, bondages were broken and God’s gifts of healing were poured upon many souls.
Attendees admitted that they had a very wonderful time of praises and worship and memories will linger on their minds for a very long time even as they anticipate for the 2018 edition. Others talked of the breathtaking visitation and impact of the Holy Spirit. Guest artistes expressed their gratitude to the organizing team and for the certificates presented to them.
The Abee District executive members of the Church of Pentecost, Presiding Elders , members and leaders of Churches, Dignitaries and Representatives, a Media representative and other ministers in the Area actively participated in the programme.
Born to Worship is an annual gospel music programme organized by Emmanuel English Assembly and it has been running for the past 4 years on every year ending with partnership from Mintah Media Consult.
An awesome praises and worship feast
December 29, 2017
Emmanuel Mintah Bonku

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