Monday 28 January 2019

Xandy Kamel: I Will Never Talk To Benedicta Gafah

If there is anybody out there holding out hope that the 'beef' between Kumawood actresses, Benedicta Gafah and Xandy Kamel will end soon, they should forget it.

In an interview with Showbiz, Xandy said there is absolutely no way that will happen neither will they be friends again.

“I will never talk to that girl, never! Nothing in this world would make me have her as a friend again. The Bible says if your right hand is disturbing you, cut it off, it did not say you cut it off and put it back, so I will not go back to being her friend,” she said.

Xandy and Benedicta, used to be friends but have fallen out and they have been at each other's necks with accusations.

Xandy claimed Benedicta used black magic, known as 'juju' to steal her shine while they were friends. But in an appearance on the Atuu Show on UTV, Benedicta Gafah quoted Psalm 109 to reply her colleague, who she described as being ungrateful.

“If I didn’t take Xandy to see any spiritualist and she says I have, then let Psalm 109 be our judge,” she said.

An obviously angry Xandy did not take that lightly and responded with more allegations in an Instagramvideo.

Apart from accusing Benedicta of being too easy and sleeping with married men, her caption to the video also suggested that the Me Nua actress was once married, a rumour the Zylofon signee has often denied.

Xandy told Showbiz although they had met after their public spat, they each kept to themselves. “Oh we have met on location and at a few parties but we all went about our duties like no one was present.”

She insisted that just as she cannot approach Benedicta, the latter can also not come to her. “She cannot approach me either because she knows what she has done so that patching up cannot happen,” she said.

Xandy says the only thing that can make her have some kind of friendship with Benedicta is when she starts being her real self.

"That girl is too fake, she is not real and when she stops that maybe I will let it go. She should stop gossiping and backbiting and learn to live a straight life, she is not who she is portraying,” she stated.
Source: Graphic Showbiz

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